Thank you for your interest in “Forward, Warrior!!”
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Our community-driven event
Forward, Warrior!!
is a grassroots effort to
promote free expression
& street-level messaging
for positive change.
Volunteer Opportunities
Equipment Wish List – Volunteer from Home
Volunteering for Forward Warrior can be a rewarding and exciting experience full of interesting people and fascinating views. Sometimes the installation duties can involve strenuous outdoor work in extreme weather working in close proximity with others. Although we take every precaution to ensure your safety and well-being, you may find it more appropriate to volunteer from home! We have lots of intriguing behind-the-scenes work that’s just as important, and perhaps less of a ‘hectic construction site’ atmosphere!
In-kind contributions and equipment donations to the Cabbagetown Initiative 501c3 Community Development Corporation are tax-deductible. Thank you for considering us in charitable planning. Learn more about our mission statement or peruse our resource directory to learn about specific action plans.