Put paint on a big wall,
amplify artist voices,
& bring people together
to make them stronger.
Project Goals:
- To paint new murals onto and over an existing large collaborative piece, as part of on-going evolution and update.
- To offer supplies, services, and support to a diverse and inclusive community of painters and visual artists.
- To provide Atlanta with a culturally significant and thoughtfully-messaged place for reflecting on identity, thinking justice, and contemplating beauty.

Guiding Principles
“To Listen, Hear, Act, and Inspire.”
We listen to the myriad voices of our community, the sounds of our city, the songs of people, the words of prophets, the cries, calls, confusion, carillon and clarion. We listen and grow quiet.
“Forward, Warrior!!”
We listen to these words, and wonder:
Where are we going? What are we fighting for?
With intention, a message is heard. We listen to sound, but hear the word. We can hear and understand, or empathize. We hear and grow curious, or gain wisdom. We hear when we learn respect. We hear and glimpse mystery, in awe or in wonder. We hear when we reflect silently. We hear the admonition, “Forward, Warrior!!”
We hear these words, and at once: We are warriors. We must advance.
Action. To do. To be. To move. To make, and manifest. To climb, create, and continue onward. The message is not passive, and with our deeds we wield our new weapons: attention, intuition, and intention. We have listened, heard, and again, directly and now…
“Forward, Warrior!!”
And there is no pause. We can. We will. We must!
An army of dreamers. A chorus of brave souls. Together they come, together they stand. The marching awakened, the thoughtful, active and participating, perched high on ladders, climbing walls, mixing colors and words and images of endless reverie and fantastic hope.
What is done here will be seen and remembered and known. It will be someone’s awakening, it will be there for best friends holding hands, a couple’s first kiss, a proposal, an album cover, shooting stars, and a lonely wanderer drifting past on moonless nights.
And this too will pass into memory. Until the next messenger arrives with a bucket and brush, and stands before it, listening one last time, before they dare to make their own mark.
“Forward, Warrior!!”
Ours is a duty, but a boon. It is received quietly, with an honest heart.
None who learn the message can help give of themselves freely.