Thursday, Sept 25- Sunday, Sept 27, 2020

We appreciate your interest in Forward Warrior, and are thrilled you’ve got paint to donate! If we can’t take it, we know how to safely dispose of it.
We love paint in interesting colors!
We’ll take every shade of red you’ve got. Yellow? Yes, ma’am. Blue, brown, and orange? Sir, yes sir! Pink and violet, indigo, lilac, chartreuse, and fuchsia… yeah, baby.
No thanks on neutral tones (white, grey, beige). We’ve got plenty. But we might be able to help you get rid of it (please doublecheck paint drive instructions).
No oil-based paint, please.
If you are contacting us as part of a scheduled paint drive, please check the instructions. At certain times, we’ve got enough volunteers and truck space to take everything you’re dumping. Other times, we can only accept over-half full, sealed undented cans (with no signs of rust) of acrylic latex.
We also accept all spray paint!
(almost any type…)
(We cannot accept aerosolized clear gloss, sealant, fixative, adhesive, or textured automotive specialty coatings)
If we are currently accepting drop-offs, the address is listed on the flier (attached / link). Our usual spots are the Cabbagetown Community Center (177 Estoria St SE 30316) and the corner of Carroll Street & Tennelle (Stacks H Building back gate, under the tent). But please confirm the time and locations.
Forward Warrior appreciates our neighbors and values community support. Your contribution is very important to our mission. Thank you!
Tax-deductible donations may be made to:
Cabbagetown Initiative (EIN: 58-2580550),
177 Estoria Street SE, Atlanta GA 30316
Cheers, Forward Warrior!
p.s. If you require paint disposal, try CHARM (the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials), conveniently located on Hill Street in Grant Park:
Normal operating hours are subject to change,
but normally: Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays before 4pm
* Most expired acrylic latex can be dried out. This is a much safer way to dispose of it. Pour it out inside your disposable roller tray, or take off the bucket lid & leave it in the sun for a few days. It might take a while, but it render the chemicals mostly inert. Once dry, you can simply throw in the trash.
Don’t ever pour paint down a storm drain! It isn’t great for the waste water sewer system either, but small amounts (e.g. rinsing brushes) may be acceptable. Check local laws.