Project Overview & Grant Materials
Organizational Documents
About Cabbagetown Initiative

Project Overview & Grant Materials
Creative Mission & Goals
Budget Graphs & Summary
Artistic Merit
* 2020 COVID-19 Response Planning

Project History
Staff Expertise & Professional Qualifications
Advancement & Funding Philosophy
Project Goals
Funding History, Fiscal Responsibility, & Debt Management
Organization History

Context, Risk, & Critical Issues
Diversity, Theory of Change, & Outreach
Board Policies & Oversight
Challenges & Growth
Audience & Community Engagement

Impact Evaluation
Marketing & Partnerships
Environmental Stewardship
Paint Donations

Organizational Documents
Cabbagetown Initiative 501c3 Community Development Corporation
Cabbagetown Initiative (“CI”) By-Laws
CI FY2020 Budget
CI Board Overview
FW Advisory Panel
Letter of Confirmation

About Us
“Forward, Warrior!!” is a partnership between the Cabbagetown Initiative 501c3 Community Development Corporation (CI) and artist / curator Peter Ferrari. CI Wallkeeper’s Committee was created in 2008 by Timothy Sullivan, Jason Snyder, Tova Baruch, Samuel Parker, John Dirga, & Katherine Marbury. CI/Wallkeeper’s oversees improvements to the Wylie Street Wall, and assumed maintenance responsibilities from CSX Transportation.
Cabbagetown Initiative is a non-profit community-based organization whose mission includes maintaining and improving public spaces in the National Landmark Historic District in Atlanta, Georgia USA. In cooperation with the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association, CI maintains the Cabbagetown Community Center at 177 Estoria Street SE 30316, Cabbagetown Park (Kirkwood Avenue & Tye Street), Esther Peachy Lefevre [sic] Park, and the Wylie Street Wall, including the South entrance to Krog Tunnel.