Green Policy


clean BRUSH – dirty BUCKET – dump SINK

2020 Green Stations:

Esther Peachy Park, 97 Estoria,
& Cabbagetown Community Center

Dumping paint is illegal.
Don’t pour into storm drains!
(ATL 2003-75, § 3, 6-24-03)

acrylic latexspray paintpaint donations / disposal

Wipe it dry. Paint excess onto plywood or cardboard. Squeeze rollers.

Remove as much paint as possible before rinsing

Swish brushes in the dirty bucket, squeegee excess water, move on to the rinse bucket.

Use our grates & combs to remove any debris

Rinse brushes clean in a sink connected to plumbing. Dry buckets or rags are safe to throw in the trash.

Locate the Sink Stations on event map.

2021 Cleaning & Sink Stations

2021 Green Stations

1. Cans must be EMPTY
2. Remove nozzles & trash
3. Use bin marked “Spray Cans ONLY”

Green Stations are located at every intersection, and we’ve marked the storm drains to warn against common mistakes. Don’t dump anything in the storm drain.

Don’t dump on the soil, either. Seriously, y’all. I’m not sure what people think happens to paint in the dirt, or where it goes after it you pour dirty paint water in the gutters; but it ain’t pretty.

“Water that enters the storm sewer system flows directly into our ponds, streams, rivers and lakes – without being treated.”

Even after you finish cleaning, you can reuse the water to wash your tools again. When it’s time to dispose of it, use a sink connected to a wastewater sewer; those pipes go to a water treatment facility.

acryllic latexspray paintpaint donations / disposal