Our number one priority is Artist Safety. They will be painting quickly and do not need distractions or worries about health concerns.
Please do not come out and watch people paint.
There are no public facilities, or amenities. If you show up anyway, you will be unnecessarily crowding and congesting a narrow right-of-way, causing us headaches while we try to maintain safe distancing, bothering busy professionals while they try to concentrate on their craft, and endangering yourself & others who wish to avoid you due to the ongoing public health crisis. There are no traffic calming measures. If you bring your stupid car, you’ll be making artists walk further to their site.
The murals will be there all year long. We will have great work-in-progress photos. If you want to support your artist friends, flood their social media with love, like / tag / re-post and bump up their algorithm.
Please join us online for fun video, slideshows, music, interviews, and more! Forward Warrior LiveStream
Next Event: September 25th, 2021 Esther Peachy LeFever Park
Directions – Parking – Food & Drink – Dog Police – Kids Stuff